Factory performance is often neglected by even the most diligent of management professionals and top bosses. There is a high attention paid to Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Finance, these verticals are given extra attention as they are considered to be direct contributors to the bottom line. Well, I think this is the first place where Organizations go wrong, factories should be given ample attention and production/operation should be considered one of the most important verticals if not the most important. Production function directly affects costs, inventory and throughput; if all these parameters are not managed properly your factory is already loosing money, even before you can actually sell your product in the market. Factory performance should be monitored perennially and sincere efforts should be made towards optimizing the performance of the factory unit.
Technology plays an important, rather a pivotal role in profit and performance optimization for modern factory units. Yes, gone are the days when engineers would spend hours doing complex statistical analysis of the process to find assignable causes of production issues. Today, technology has given engineers the power to monitor and manipulate the process and process parameters in real-time. IT applications are making operations more profitable today and moving them towards operational excellence for tomorrow. Information solutions like the MES or Manufacturing Execution Systems, Factory Automation, Manufacturing Excellence applications and Data analytics are vital for improving profitability of a factory unit. With the help of these information applications factories are improving their performance in all three vital parameters related to production, i.e. Inventory, Operational Expense and Throughput.
So you need to ask yourself, is my factory making enough money? But before asking this question first ask this, do I know what is happening in my factory? Is it running at optimal efficiency? Is my performance improving on a regular basis? Does my process locate and eliminate the bottlenecks before any loss in production? If you are able to answer these questions first, you would get a good idea of how much money your factory is making or loosing. It is important that organizations understand the importance of technology in achieving a profitable and integrated factory operation. If you find that you are unable to answer above questions effectively, you need the help of an expert that specializes in providing optimization solutions for your factory performance. You need to plan strategically, develop a time-based plan to improve profitability and implement process specific IT applications to help automate and integrate your process.
I2DS is one of the leading experts in factory performance optimization and has been able to improve the performance and profitability of organizations world-wide. Information Solutions being developed by I2DS achieve not only high productivity but also make a difference to the bottom line by reducing costs and increasing profitability. The range of products we offer are- Factory MES, Communication Management, Manufacturing Excellence, Inventory Management, Safety Management, Quality Management, Equipment Management, Database Management and Process Automation. The above mentioned solutions are tailor-made to our client’s needs and can be applied individually or as a complete package. With solutions such as the ones I have just discussed you can better control your process and set achievable targets for boosting productivity. Our solutions are helping our customers increase their profitability and cut operating cost at the same time. I2DS systems have the capability to integrate your entire process irrespective of location, equipment type, level of automation and process complexity. So if you agree with me and need a partner who will make your operations more productive and profitable write to us at info@i2ds.com.