Semiconductor Industry: Reduce Cost and Speed Up Cycle Time with I2DS
The $412 billion Semiconductor industry is truly a giant, with a growth rate upwards of 10%. The industry is a symbol of technological advancement and is increasingly moving towards fully automated processes, which includes Data processing and process management. The major challenges faced by the industry are, Cost Minimization pressure, Strict Quality Conformance, Faster Cycle Times and the need for Process Flexibility. Let us look at how Information Systems help the industry meet these challenges.
Cost Reduction – Information systems provide better visibility and aid in better process control, which in-turn saves resources and limits redundant activities. The Semiconductor industry faces cost pressures because of the high degree of standardization and intense competition; this means there is less room for error when it comes to cost control. I2DS and its various solutions helps exert cost control and promote accountability, with applications like Equipment Management and MES helping to reduce costs by improving process effectiveness and efficiency.
Quality Conformance – Irrespective of industry, quality is a vital parameter but more so in semiconductor industry due to the higher degree of standardization. I2DS’ quality management solutions coupled with powerful process control applications have been designed to ensure quality excellence for this industry.
Cycle Time Reduction – Speed is a crucial competitive priority for the semiconductor industry. With less time to react and even lesser time to develop new products, it is important to take the aid of Information Solutions. I2DS has developed state-of-the-art solutions, such as MES, to achieve this objective for the industry.
Flexibility – The Semiconductor industry depends on the flexibility of its operations to meet the ever-growing and ever-changing need of its customers. I2DS’ solutions and applications are designed with flexibility in mind and this helps the industry realize its true operational potential.
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