Pharmaceutical Industry: Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency with I2DS
The Pharmaceutical industry is one of the most profitable and widely spread industries around the world. The major constraints faced by the industry are: High R&D expenditure, Global competition, Licensing requirements and Product Liability/Safety. The Pharmaceutical industry is highly dependent on precision in production and needs analysis tools to facilitate better control in both Production and R&D Functions. I2DS deals with these constraints in the following ways.
Reduce High R&D expenditure – I2DS offers the Best-In-Class Laboratory Management System, i.e. LIMS. These systems are meant to reduce R&D costs and increase the overall efficiency of the Lab’s Operation. Right from Sample Management to product testing our system ensures that the R&D endeavor remains aligned with its goal and continues to be a profitable exercise.
Conformance to Regulations – In an industry plagued with strict licensing and a myriad of regulations, I2DS’ information systems come as a huge sigh of relief. Our systems achieve highest levels of conformance with the utmost of ease. The unique design of our systems helps them adapt to the regulatory requirements and help the industry achieve the desired levels of conformance.
Global Competition – Competition necessitates cost cutting and product differentiation, with I2DS’ applications the industry can achieve intelligent manufacturing and meet its cost obligations easily. Our solutions such as MES, Factory Automation, Data Management and Manufacturing Excellence aim at achieving this desired cost control and help the industry achieve reasonable differentiation.
Product Liability/Safety – In the Pharma industry, neglecting product and process safety can prove to be costly, realizing this I2DS has developed a Safety Management Solution especially for the industry. This system is capable of achieving the high safety standards that are expected by the industry for both the process and the product.
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