Do you believe in prevention or inspection? Does Getting it right the first time matter to your? Is your Factory Operation as profitable and Productive as it can be? These questions are very important if you have a complex operation that has a huge capital investment and you desire optimal quality at minimal price. All great management philosophies advocate the concept of ‘Getting it Right the First Time’, so let us ask why? Getting it right first time means that you have a process that has been optimally designed and is working efficiently. This shows the level of process control you have achieved and that your process is capable of delivering the requisite Quality. Getting it right the first time also means, low rework, repair, rejection and inspection costs. Now that we have established the need of getting it right the first time, the next question is how? To get things right the first time a great emphasis has to be given on process and product design and production control and monitoring. Design can be improved by techniques such as Quality Function Deployment, Failure Modes and Effect Analysis, Quality by Design and Design of Experiment. But even if the process is designed to perfection in practice it is vital to have a system to control, monitor and change the process as required. Environmental factors that govern production are highly complex and no matter how good the design is accounting for all contingencies is impossible. There is a need for a comprehensive and user friendly system that can help perform and control the process and all its vital parameters simultaneously. You need the help of Information technology for integrating your operation and making it visible to all key personnel. I2DS has been striving to provide such a platform to its diverse customer base is various genres of the manufacturing industry. We have developed arguably the best MES, Factory Automation and Manufacturing Excellence applications in the industry today. Issues like Vendor Engagement, System Integration, Process Automation and Flow Management become a problem for all companies specially those who are starting up. I2DS helps its clients deal with such matters and thereby insure that you get it right the first time itself. We believe in Total Customer Service i.e. we realize the diverse need that our customers have and we make our products and services adapt accordingly. So if you are a setting up a new plant or want to make your existing factory operations better, I2DS is the best choice for you. If you would like to get a glimpse of our products and services e-mail us at and get it right the first time.