Decision making is an ongoing, day-to-day activity, for every Organization. Every Factory Manager makes numerous decisions related to the operations and production process on a daily basis. Every decision that affects the final product is crucial and should be taken with utmost care, because even the smallest error can cause massive damage to the company’s reputation and market performance. Decision making is affected by the presence or absence of specific information, it is this information that helps make a decision more precise. The gurus of Quality Management have emphasized the importance of fact based management, especially for organizations that manufacture products.
Manufacturing Organizations have to comply with many specifications, which are either provided by the external customers or established as industry norms. To achieve the level of compliance or to exceed it, effective process management and control is required. To achieve an effective decision making process, that is based on facts, information systems are required that can provide correct information, at the right time, to the right person. Even medium and smaller Organizations have started the use of information systems at a much higher rate since the beginning of this decade. The use of Information Technology has made decision making easier and has helped improve customer satisfaction in both product and service sector.
Information systems can improve decision making at all levels if they are relevant and process specific. Many Organizations that have tried to implement Off-The-Shelf IT solutions have failed drastically, because they tried to change their process to better suit their IT package. The core competence of any manufacturing Organization is closely related to their process and any change in the process can prove to be costly if it is not aimed at an improvement in the said core competency. So rather than trying to change the process to suit the IT package, organizations should look for a partner who can understand their process and develop Information Systems to complement the process and make it more competent.
I2DS has the capability of providing decision making tools that are not only process specific but come equipped with the most modern technological advancements in the field of Information Technology. Our systems are capable of adapting to your process and provide you the information required, right at your finger tips, just about any where in the world. The ranges of solutions we offer are Factory MES, Communication Management, Manufacturing Excellence, Inventory Management, Safety Management, Quality Management, Equipment Management, Database Management and Process Automation. The above mentioned solutions are tailor-made to our client’s needs and can be applied individually or as a complete package. With such powerful solutions you can better control your process and set achievable targets for boosting productivity. Our solutions are helping our customers increase their profitability and cut operating cost at the same time, through intelligent and fact based decision making. I2DS’ systems have the capability to integrate your entire process irrespective of location, equipment type, level of automation and process complexity. To improve your decision making at every managerial level, by the availability of owner specific information made available in real time, you need a partner like I2DS. So don’t waste time get in touch with us right away, e-mail us at