Can Information solutions make my factory more efficient?

I have always had a strong belief that companies that aspire to be more efficient also achieve higher profitability. It is only through doing things better, faster and cheaper that profitability of an operation increases, assuming that the demand is constant. Even if the demand for your end product is variable which is always the case, an efficient process can better adapt to varying demand and use the valuable resources available for other areas of attention. Technology plays a key role in the pursuit of higher efficiency; it is through the application of technological marvels that a quantum leap can occur in process efficiency.
One of the major changes that have occurred in the last decade or so is in the way organizations handle their information and knowledge management. Information Technology has become the most important area of Strategic decision making. IT applications are being used to integrate and automate the entire operation of multinational organizations, right from purchase of raw materials to the point of sale. It is these information solutions that negate the bull-whip effect in supply chains, achieve better demand projections, ensure higher customer satisfaction and enable efficient production.
ERP applications have become commonplace and are helping companies save valuable time, resources and money. Such applications are making the overall operation of the entire value chain of such organization more effective and thereby more efficient. Even in Organizations primarily into manufacturing of products, solutions like MES, RFID (for inventory and process control), Manufacturing Excellence, LIMS, DMS, and FIS. are helping operations become faster and more flexible. These information solutions are automating the entire manufacturing process of Organizations, even the ones which have different geographical locations for different operations. These solutions have the power of achieving higher process efficiencies and real time decision making.
The question is not whether these solutions are required, off course they are. The real question is who is the right technology partner for such applications? Organizations that are facing trouble managing information and don’t want to go for a standard package with limited functionality, what should they do? The answer is you need to gauge your requirement and ask your self these questions- 1) Do we need a real time database management and data processing capabilities? 2) Do we require to Tap Data directly from tools to our MES or present System? 3) Do we require features Like SPC, APC, RFID integration, Inventory & Ops Management? 4) Do we need to monitor Safety, Quality and Equipment issues in real time? If the answer to all or majority of these questions is ‘YES’, then you need to consider I2DS as your strategic partner.
We at I2DS understand the prevalent issues pertaining to Information Management and Data Architecture and we are committed to work out the best solutions for our customers, our aim is to provide world class Information Solutions at reasonable prices. If you want your Data Management problems to disappear you should mail us right away at or Click on the Request Live Demo button on our web site. We assure you that with our solutions applied in your Organization today, you will become the leader of tomorrow.

Best-in-class Organizations Use MES To Boost Their Manufacturing Performance!

What separates an ordinary company from an extraordinary one? Why are some Organizations able to adapt faster to changes and achieve higher market shares? What makes Organizations like Intel, Samsung, Boeing and Toyota, the Best-In-Class companies? The answers to these questions are similar to some extent. Every Organization that has been able to understand their customers and successfully convert their needs, into products and services has been able to become Best-In-Class. An extraordinary Organization does not aim at doing different things, but doing things differently, by understanding their capabilities and market requirements better than their competition.
Companies that have been able to embrace the new technologies and implement them successfully in their operations are experiencing unprecedented growth and market share. Information Technology has helped firms perform processes differently, thereby reducing related costs and increasing process efficiency. It is only through advanced applications of IT solution that the Best-In-Class companies have achieved their coveted status. Besides management practices, workforce knowledge, resource base and market conditions, IT is the most important contributor to the success of an Organization.
Manufacturing Organizations in particular have been able to outperform their competition by the implementation of Manufacturing Execution Systems or MES solutions. So what is an MES solution? Well, an MES application, as the name suggests helps better and more reliable execution of a manufacturing process, it gives higher degree of control over the process and allows real-time decision making. Such applications have proven to be extremely successful in controlling costs and increasing throughput. There are many players in the MES space, that provide MES solutions, but who is the right partner for you?
I2DS has developed one of the most respected MES applications in the world today. Our solution is capable of adapting and changing itself to suit your operation’s needs. We are successful in MES because we are not just an IT company; our team of experts has more than 100 years of experience in fortune 500 companies in Operations Management. We understand the importance of factors that are unique and inherent in every process; our solutions reflect the individuality of our customer’s process. We have been able to achieve operational excellence through the application of our MES products in different operations from diverse industries. So if you are looking for a partner who would understand your process first and then devise the best solution accordingly, I2DS is the best choice for you. To get a demo of our product made to fit your production process, e-mail us at or just hit the request live demo tab on this webpage and our team will get back to you.

Best-In-Class Operations Demand Real-Time Information Delivery, Via MES

Every Top Boss of every Organization of the world strives to make his/her organization the best in its class. If you read the Vision or Mission statement of any organization in the world this desire to be the best and even better, will become very evident. Irrespective of the line of business every company strives to be labeled the best in business, today we will talk about achieving this dream and making it a reality for manufacturing organizations, for whom their factories/plants are the main source of revenue.
To become the Best-In-Class operation, you need to realize that there is much more to the endeavor, than benchmarking the present best in the industry or otherwise. Benchmarking is very helpful but the main reasons for the success of the best organizations around the world can be attributed many factors, such as, strong leadership, clear vision, pro technology outlook, innovation, process control, quality ownership, zero error philosophy and above all 100% customer satisfaction. When the above mentioned features are embraced by the entire organization and these beliefs and practices enter the value system of each and every employee in the organization, becoming best-in-class is just a matter of time.
To develop such value system, integration of the entire process and involvement of employees along with ownership of process in critical. Information Solution like MES are providing process integration and automation for Organizations globally, which is helping them develop a more efficient, coherent and profitable operation. So what is an MES solution? Well, an MES application, as the name suggests helps better and more reliable execution of a manufacturing process, it gives higher degree of control over the process and facilitates real-time decision making. MES applications integrate every aspect of a production process and ascertain that no vital information is ever missed. Real-Time decision making happens when the MES keeps the process owners informed of every value adding activity at every step and ensures that tasks are performed as scheduled and are conforming to the perquisite standards. Such applications have proven to be extremely successful in controlling costs and increasing throughput.
There are many players in the MES space, that provide MES solutions, but who is the right partner for you? I2DS has the most revered automation and MES implementation team in the industry. Our experts specialize in MES, Factory Automation, PLC, APC, SPC, Data Tapping, Database Management and RFID Implementation. Our approach to automation is highly professional and customer centric. We believe that every process is unique and the level of automation required varies for each organization. Our experts provide automation solution that is not only leading edge but also highly efficient, there by assisting your team to make your process the Best-In-Class process in your industry. I2DS’ customers have experienced a higher throughput, better flexibility and greater profitability ever since they chose I2DS as their automation partner. Our goal is to provide process specific automation and manage the resultant change; this makes us a preferred partner in the industry today. So if you are in need of Leading Edge automation for your production plant, look no further, I2DS is here to assist you in this endeavor. For getting a better idea of how automation can improve your process and achieve a greater profitability, e-mail us right away at or just drop your inquiry in the comment box and we will get back to you

Yes, You Really Need End-To-End Integration Of Your Production Facility!

Integration of production facilities, does it mean the physical integration or is there more to it? Well, not necessarily, today due to the miracle of technology, the end-to-end integration of a production facility is possible even if the entire process is not executed under a single roof. It is now possible to monitor and control subsequent operations taking place at varied physical locations. Even when the entire process is executed at the same location can it be considered integrated if there is a delay in decision making and process control? A process becomes integrated only when it can be monitored, controlled and executed in real time. This is possible only when there are applications that allow real-time capture and analysis of raw data, which can be presented to the relevant management personnel in the form of actionable information.
The next question that arises is- Do we really need an integrated production process? The answer to this question is pretty simple, yes. Yes, you need end-to-end process integration, because it leads to process improvement, inventory control, cost cutting and boosts throughput and profitability. Applications that can help monitor a production process in real-time and provide a comprehensive integration of the process should be considered seriously. It is very important ton realize the importance of having the entire process integrated on a single platform and the value that it adds for the end customer. MES applications are applications which provide end-to-end integration of a production process.
Companies that have been able to embrace new technologies such as MES and implement them successfully in their operations are experiencing unprecedented growth and market share. Information Technology has helped firms perform processes differently, thereby reducing related costs and increasing process efficiency. It is only through advanced applications of IT solution that the Best-In-Class companies have achieved their coveted status. Besides management practices, workforce knowledge, resource base and market conditions, IT is the most important contributor to the success of an Organization.
Manufacturing Organizations in particular have been able to outperform their competition by the implementation of Manufacturing Execution Systems or MES solutions. So what is an MES solution? Well, an MES application, as the name suggests helps better and more reliable execution of a manufacturing process, it gives higher degree of control over the process and allows real-time decision making. Such applications have proven to be extremely successful in controlling costs and increasing throughput. There are many players in the MES space, that provide MES solutions, but who is the right partner for you?
I2DS has developed one of the most respected MES applications in the world today. Our solution is capable of adapting and changing itself to suit your operation’s needs. We are successful in MES because we are not just an IT company; our team of experts has more than 100 years of experience in fortune 500 companies in Operations Management. We understand the importance of factors that are unique and inherent in every process; our solutions reflect the individuality of our customer’s process. We have been able to achieve operational excellence through the application of our MES products in different operations from diverse industries. So if you are looking for a partner who would understand your process first and then devise the best solution accordingly, I2DS is the best choice for you. To get a demo of our product made to fit your production process, e-mail us at or just hit the request live demo tab on this webpage and our team will get back to you.

Engineering Data Collection, the missing piece to a functional MES package.

Is Engineering Data Collection important for your Organization? If I am right it’s extremely important to be able to view the process related Data in order to analyze and optimize any operation. Let me elaborate by explaining what is Engineering Data Collection or EDC and why this data should be an inseparable part of your MES system. EDC is basically the collection of all vital data related to your ops-procedure. Every product when manufactured requires complying with some predetermined quality standard, generally there is a tolerance level associated with the desired outcome which can be both positive and negative. Now there are many ways in which this data is collected presently from the equipment and then is compiled and used for analysis. The value of this EDC data is very high as it is pivotal in the appraisal of operational performance and efficiency. Having said that, many MES systems neglect the importance of this vital tool and this leads to improper implementation. Let me clarify the above statement- an MES system is supposed to be a powerful tool that not only automates the manufacturing process but also helps in Real-Time analysis and Decision Making. If the MES system fails to integrate EDC in its functionalities the MES in itself becomes ineffective. Presently this EDC is the ‘Missing Piece’ in MES systems world-wide. Our team at I2DS believes that EDC has to be integral part of our MES system to allow you to make better use our package. To do this we have mastered the art and science of Data collection and we can interface with any device to collect data. This means no matter what Database or Data analysis system you have we can collect Engineering Data from it and integrate it in our MES package for you. Also since we have this unique our MES package becomes the ultimate tool for you to perform functions like- planning day to day operations complex SPC applications. We know the importance of valuable engineering data for an Operations Manager and we provide this data in our MES solution, this makes the functionality provided by I2DS unparalleled in the industry today. So do you want to have an MES package that provides you seamless integration and functionality for your Operations? If Yes, then what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today it self, mail us at or just hit the Request Live Demo button on our Website.

Data Analytics, Brace Yourself For The Efficient Process Control Systems Ever!

Data Analytics, is it just a fancy name? Is Data Analytics important for all businesses? Is Data Analytics just another business fad, or does it have commercial and strategic importance? These questions are bound to arise, because of the hype Data Analytics have been getting recently. So let’s take these questions down on-by-one and see if we can gain any clarity on this. Data Analytics Solutions are basically computer based, software applications that enable fast and accurate analysis of relevant process metrics. It is more than a fancy name in-fact; data analysis is one of the most important facets of process management. Without relevant and actionable information generated from the process, it is practically impossible to operate the process with high efficiency and achieve profitability.
Data Analytics software have universal applicability and can be designed for any process, it can be as simple as an application developed to monitor the performance of cashiers at a small bank or as complex as an application to analyze the process efficiency and performance of space craft production. Depending on the process and the process metrics the design and coverage area of the application would vary, but as far as relevance is concerned, data analytics solutions are applicable and desirable for all businesses. Data Analytics are not a management fad because they play a crucial role in management and can lead to improvement of the process and add to the bottom-line. These applications enable real-time decision making and ensure that the process remains efficient and the management effective. I believe Data Analytics have vast commercial and strategic importance; these applications have the potential of not only improving existing process and profitability but can also pave the way to process innovation and aid better management and decision making.
There are many companies that provide data analytics software applications; however one needs to tread very carefully when selecting a technology partner. For any software application to be successful, it is very important that it is process specific and provides the desired functionality to the process owners. If a software application as strategic as a data analytics application goes wrong, during design or implementation the results can be catastrophic. The choice of right technology partner is thus a vital choice.
I2DS is all set to introduce it very or data analytics product suite, called the ‘Intelistat’, this application is the next big thing in the data analytics product space. Intelistat has the most advanced statistical tools that go beyond trend charts and simple statistics, the major focus of the makers is to design an application that can help apply six-sigma, lean or lean-six-sigma. The beauty of the product is its flexibility in design and its capability to adapt and improve any process. The back-bone of the application is such that it can easily apply to a myriad of operations and processes. I2DS has already made a name in the MES, Factory automation and Database management market, now its next target is the data analytics domain. The product suite is all set to launch later this month. To know more about, Intelistat just write into us at or hit the Request Live Demo tab on this web-page.