I2DS News & Information
Quality Management systems, are they really necessary?
The importance of Quality can never be under estimated. Quality is the most important competitive priority for every Organization, achieving better quality than competitors, is imperative to stay in the race to become the Best-In-Class today. Cost and Quality were...
I need to improve the Knowledge Mgt of my facility, should I Outsource?
Information is considered the biggest asset of an Organization, all management theories stress on improving Information processing and knowledge management to be more successful. Information which becomes a part of our cognition over a period of time through...
Why SPC is important, is my MES application OK without it?
All modern management theories and systems such as TQM, Six Sigma, Lean and JIT, lay a lot of stress on management by facts. Many management theorists have stated and concurred the belief that what can be measured can be managed. The school of thought that advocates...
“Manufacturing Excellence a true path to better operations management “
Operations Management is often the most neglected area in all Organizations, it is considered to be a firefighting tool only to be called upon in the event of any problem or mishap. I believe Operations Management should be considered a vital part of management and...