I2DS News & Information
Can You Detect An Excursion In Your Production Line? If Yes, How Quick?
All Operations professional know and would agree that no matter how fool proof a process might be there is always a possibility of an excursion. The later an excursion is detected the more loss it causes. Detecting an excursion becomes even more important in discreet...
Why Are You Still Waiting, Realize Manufacturing Excellence Today!!
What are the true metrics of Manufacturing Excellence? Is it merely a phrase or has a deeper more palpable meaning? Why is excellence in Manufacturing desired? Are the Manufacturing Excellence packages available today capable of achieving their namesake? Let’s try and...
An SPC Application Integrated With Your MES Is The Ideal Control System
Process control, is a derivative of the school of thought that believes that management should be treated as more of a Science and should be based on hardcore evidence and facts, rather than managerial whims. I am an ardent believer of the same truly believe that what...
Manufacturing Excellence, Is It A Myth Or Can It Be Achieved?
It has been a common belief amongst top officials around that excellence in any operation can be achieved only by a paradigm shift in business outlook and through reengineering of the processes. I believe that although the above perspective is one way of looking at...