I2DS News & Information
MES & Its Impact On Management & Execution In Other Functional Areas!
MES applications have long been viewed as an ideal solution for better management of production floors around the world. Their ability to support a wide range of complex production flows is widely recognized and accepted. But is that all? Or is MES software capable of...
Role Of Operations Management Expertise In MES Design
Technology has drastically transformed the way manufacturing industry functions today; it has become the major differentiating factor and is helping the top companies maintain their competitive supremacy in the market. Technology has become a potent weapon for the...
IT & Its Role In Implementation Of Management Theories & Strategies
TQM, Lean, Lean-Six-Sigma and Six Sigma are various theories of Operations Management or management on the whole that are helping organizations become more efficient and profitable around the world. I believe that these theories or management philosophies have a lot...
The Challenges In Big Data Analytics And How Does This Analysis Turn To Value?
Big Data analytics has become one of the most, if not the most, popular topics of conversation around the world. Industry leaders and top bosses of almost every industry have proclaimed that Big-Data and its analysis are going to be the game changers in most...