I2DS News & Information
The Key Drivers Of An Automated Factory Environment- An IT Perspective
Factories have transformed drastically in the last 100 years or so, the main reason behind this is the advancement in Process Technology and the revolution called Information Technology. Yes, long gone are the days when every production step was executed manually and...
How Well Equipped Is Your FAB for a Lean Or TQM Implementation?
TQM, Lean, Lean-Six-Sigma and Six Sigma are various theories of Operations Management or management on the whole that are helping organizations become more efficient and profitable around the world. I believe that these theories or management philosophies have a lot...
Defect Management Is Essential For Improved Uptime and Waste Reduction
Mura, Muri and Muda are the three types of wastes we see in Japanese management theories. Mura corresponds to unevenness in production, Muri is overburdening the workers and production process and Muda is non value adding work which attributes to waste. We often...
Excursion Detection & Prevention- Possible With The Modern MES Solutions
All Operations professionals know and would agree that no matter how fool proof a production process might be there is always a possibility of an excursion, due to the contingent nature of day-to-day operations. The later an excursion is detected the more loss it...