I2DS News & Information
Quality Management Improve Quality and Reduce Cost
The importance of Quality can never be over emphasized. Quality is the most important competitive priority for every Organization, achieving better quality is imperative to stay in the race today. Cost and Quality were considered to be at two different ends of the...
My Factory Is Productive and Profitable, Why Do I Need an MES?
The question stated above seems to be a very valid question, I mean what could be wrong with a factory that is making heaps of money and filling orders in the given lead time? This thought process is common in the minds of conservative managers and can be correct if...
Let Your Process Do The Talking, Think Operations Excellence, Think MES
Operational Excellence, a lot comes to mind when this term is mentioned, it is what all organizations wish to achieve, and they strive for and are in constant pursuit of. The ends of such a pursuit are pretty clear, which would be becoming the Best-In-Class operation,...
Is Your Automation Application Capable Of Extracting Data From Your Tools?
Prahlad and Hamel stated in their studies that Data mining is a key attribute, which is essential for applying strategic leverage. The data generated from your process is extremely crucial and helps you develop deeper cognition of the process. If the data generated...