I2DS News & Information
Apply MES Today, For A More Profitable Manufacturing Operation!
What is profitability? Is it just making more and more money? Is it the blind pursuit of profit where no attention should be paid to the means of achieving it? The views on profitability might differ drastically depending on many socio-economic factors, what is...
An SPC Application Integrated With Your MES Is The Ideal Control System
By Vivek Bhachawat Process control, is a derivative of the school of thought that believes that management should be treated as more of a Science and should be based on hardcore evidence and facts, rather than managerial whims. I am an ardent believer of the same...
Yes, Factories Can Be Made Safer With Information Systems!
By Sanjeev Gupta Thirty years back, if someone was to walk up to my dad, and say “You know what, computers can make your factory a safer place”, my father would have probably laughed and gave him this anecdote- that safety is not achieved through some computer thing,...
Yes, You Can Have Better Process Control, Employ SPC System Today!
Why do we need process control? To what extent should the data be analyzed? Will my operation really gain anything from an automated SPC application? These questions arise in an operations manager’s mind whenever the topic of an automated SPC system comes up for...