I2DS News & Information
Manufacturing Excellence solutions, do they really work?
What is a Manufacturing Excellence Application? Does it really work? Does my factory need such an application? I encounter these questions frequently. So, what is a Manufacturing Excellence solution? A manufacturing excellence solution, as the name clearly suggests is...
Employ An FIS To Achieve Greater Productivity & Collaboration In Your Plant!
FIS stands for Factory Information System; it is an application which is considered crucial by automation experts. There are many versions and variants in which an FIS can be applied in a factory but we will look into that part a bit later in the article. Right now...
Excursion Detection & Prevention- Possible With The Modern MES Solutions
All Operations professionals know and would agree that no matter how fool proof a production process might be there is always a possibility of an excursion, due to the contingent nature of day-to-day operations. The later an excursion is detected the more loss it...
IT & Its Role In Implementation Of Management Theories & Strategies
TQM, Lean, Lean-Six-Sigma and Six Sigma are various theories of Operations Management or management on the whole that are helping organizations become more efficient and profitable around the world. I believe that these theories or management philosophies have a lot...