I2DS News & Information

FIS in the Forefront of Technology Development

For Organizations that manufacture any kind of product, the Factory is the heart of that Organization. Factories are places where a product or a product sub-assembly is manufactured or assembled. It is in these factories that raw materials become value added products...

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The Power of an Integrated SPC in Your MES.

Statistical Process Control or SPC is one of the most reliable methods to measure and control Quality in a manufacturing environment. TQM advocates the use of SPC rather than purely judgment based decisions, especially to determine variations in Quality and Equipment...

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Are you striving for a Best-In-Class Factory?

Every CEO in the world strives to make his/her organization the best in its class. If you read the Vision or Mission statement of any organization in the world this desire to be the best and even better, will become very evident. Irrespective of the line of business...

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