I2DS News & Information
Is A Generic MES Application An Ideal Vehicle For Process Improvement?
Information Technology is one of the most important areas of strategic planning and decision making for modern day organizations. IT decisions become even more critical because the top management of most organizations have limited knowledge of IT applications and...
IT & Its Role In Implementation Of Management Theories & Strategies
TQM, Lean, Lean-Six-Sigma and Six Sigma are various theories of Operations Management or management on the whole that are helping organizations become more efficient and profitable around the world. I believe that these theories or management philosophies have a lot...
Real-Time Decision Making Now Possible With Modern MES
Every Top Boss of every Organization of the world strives to make his/her organization the best in its class. If you read the Vision or Mission statement of any organization in the world this desire to be the best and even better, will become very evident....
Excursion Prevention Is A Critical Piece In Manufacturing Execution!
Almost every Doctor I have ever met has told me a cliché “Prevention is better than cure”. I believe that this statement although it might be a cliché holds true for every man made process as well. All Operations professionals know this and would agree that the sooner...