I2DS News & Information
How Do You Detect Excursions In Your Production Line?
By Vivek Bhachawat All Operations professional know and would agree that no matter how fool proof a process might be there is always a possibility of an excursion. The later an excursion is detected the more loss it causes. Detecting an excursion becomes even more...
The Parameters Of Productivity In Manufacturing- An IT Perspective
By Vivek Bhachawat Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility and Cost, these are the vital competitive priorities that are considered most crucial for Organizations today. All these parameters are dependent on the availability of relevant and potent information. It...
An Organizational Overview Of Big Data And Requisites For Successful Implementation
By Vivek Bhachawat The biggest requirement of Big Data Analytics can be considered the paradigm shift required in the perspective of the Top Management of the organizations wanting to implement the same. The management has to realize that the economy has become...
Wish You Knew How To Meet World Class Quality Standards, Read This….
By Vivek Bhachawat Most management and quality theorists believe that Quality comprises of 9 dimensions, which are- Aesthetics, Conformity, Durability, Features, Reputation, Response, Reliability, Service and Performance. Now out of these nine dimensions, depending on...