I2DS News & Information
How important is your Safety and Quality Performance in your factory?
Safety and Quality; why is it important in my organization? Why are these the key issues in modern day manufacturing? Is my Factory well equipped to handle each and every issue related with safety and quality on a daily basis? How can I be sure that my workers are...
Streamlined Data Reports – Raise the Bar for Operational Efficiency
What is the most important requirement of effective operations management? I believe there may be many answers to this question, but after asking it to a lot of colleagues, managers etc. I came to a conclusion that it’s Information. Yes, Information is absolutely...
The Ideal Inventory Mangement System – From Warehouse to End-of-Line
Inventory is one of the major cost-centers that industries deal with, it has been the center of many studies and theories, for example Just In Time Manufacturing Theory revolves around the reduction of inventory costs. Inventory is considered to be one of the three...
Is Your Factory Making As Much Money As It Should?
Factory performance is often neglected by even the most diligent of management professionals and top bosses. There is a high attention paid to Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Finance, these verticals are given extra attention as they are considered to be direct...