Do you really consider Safety and Quality vital parameters for your Organization? Continue reading if your answer is, Yes. I believe that both Safety and Quality are major contributors to an Organization’s long term success and profitability. Both these parameters should not be considered mutually exclusive, I will tell you why. A safe work environment enables workers to better concentrate on their tasks, which would improve work Quality and Productivity. A boost in work Quality and Productivity will contribute to the over all Quality of the end product. Given a fixed process, an improvement in overall safety of the factory premises will inevitably lead to better Quality.
This theory applies even in highly automated manufacturing environments; it is because to a certain extent human interference still exists in the process execution. There are many theories/standards that act as guidelines for quality and safety improvements in industries such as TQM, Lean Manufacturing, QBD, ISO, OSHA Standards etc. These theories and standards provide a good framework to build a solid Safety and Quality Management System. However, it is very important to remember that every Organization has a unique set of Environmental conditions and inherent Process capabilities.
Information Systems can be used in a very profitable way to monitor and control Safety and Quality issues. Once the parameters and metrics relevant to Safety and Quality are known, IT can be used to devise systems that can help manage these critical issues. Most Organizations tend to outsource the design and application of these systems to third parties, as IT is not their core competency. In such cases it is important to remember that a standard solution which is bought Off-The-Shelf can prove to be detrimental to your goal. Changing your process to better suit a software application has never made sense to me. I believe that a process should be changed only when it is a strategic requirement and not in any other case.
This complicates the choice of the right partner as most ‘Software Solution Providers’, lack experience in factory operations. This makes I2DS a much better choice as we understand manufacturing and our team is an excellent mix of IT and Operations professionals. We have designed some of the most advance and adaptable products in the manufacturing space, which include solutions for Safety and Quality Management. A high level introduction of our Safety and Quality Management product will allow you to better gauge its supreme functionality. Our solutions are tailor made to your operations, capable of real-time reporting of all vital issues, issue prioritization is possible, issue ownership is possible and they have the capability of measuring, analyzing and reporting the vital parameters pertaining to Safety and Quality. If you would like to see a demo of our products for your Organization, just e-mail us at and you will be amazed by the results our systems can produce for you.