It is argued that Process Complexity is desirable in most manufacturing operations today because the more complex a process the more difficult it becomes to imitate and thereby gives a competitive advantage. However process complexity is a function of Site Competence. Site competence is the ability of any manufacturing site to handle complex processes and material flows in terms of qualified workforce and equipment. The higher the site competence the easier it is to adapt to a complex process flow.
To achieve a higher Site competence it is desirable to automate the process in terms of equipment and information systems. But as operation becomes more and more automated the material flow becomes synchronized yet complicated at the same time. Preventing and tracking an excursion become a bit of an issue as the level of inspection drops. This situation becomes even tougher for organizations that rely on postponement to achieve mass customization. Since complex operations involve a number of steps such as performing online split and merge, automatic lot routing, lot recipe management and customization at the last stage. There is a requirement of a system that can help track this complex material flow.
I2DS has been able to device a system that is capable of managing the complex material flow in HVM manufacturing and R&D environments. The idea is to integrate the entire process with the application of tailor made information systems such as an MES application. Since the systems are tailor made to the process in reckoning the management of material flow throughout the process becomes simpler to track and easier to control. Having a system like I2DS’ MES working on your factory floor you can forget about missing any excursion in the material flow, starting from Ware-house to your EOL or end of line.
If you have an operation that needs automation and integration, you need to have the best-in-class information systems that are made specifically for your process and functional needs. To achieve a transparent and efficient materials and production flow I2DS’ MES is the right choice for you. So don’t wait for a sign, just e-mail us at or hit the Request Live Demo tab on this page.