Safety and Quality; why is it important in my organization? Why are these the key issues in modern day manufacturing? Is my Factory well equipped to handle each and every issue related with safety and quality on a daily basis? How can I be sure that my workers are safe and my product is of optimum quality? Well these are the questions each responsible Factory Manager asks himself every day. Today I will try and answer these questions and shed some light on how I2DS has been able to put the anxious minds of Factory Managers around the world at ease. So let’s start from the beginning, Safety and Quality go hand in hand, if the workers have a safe working environment that gives them a sense of security and if they are well trained in their functional area this will boost the quality of your operations. Every modern organization follows certain Quality Standards and Safety Standards, these standards have been put in place to ensure the safety of the end customer (Quality Wise) and the safety of the workforce respectively. If any factory wishes to become a world class manufacturing unit, Safety and Quality are the most important issues for it, as customer satisfaction cannot be achieved without maintaining quality and quality cannot be achieved without a safe and conducive working environment. Moving on we come to the major concern which is the ability to track safety and quality issues before they become a major work hazard or pain point. At I2DS we have made it our mission to achieve world class safety and quality management through our solutions for our present and future clients. Our Safety and Quality Management system has the ability to track and report each issue with full traceability and transactional history. I2DS’ systems are helping organizations globally, to monitor and achieve the- Quality that’s requisite; and a safe working environment that is a must have. So the last question from answers itself, if you are using I2DS’ Safety and Quality Management Solutions you can be sure that your workers are safe and your produce is of the optimum quality. Our solutions will not only help you track events it will also help you plan and execute events like- EHS Training , Quality Audit etc. By now if you are a factory manager and you are reading this I am sure you would want a glimpse of this amazing solution, so hurry up and hit the Request Live Demo link or just write into us at
How important is your Safety and Quality Performance in your factory?
by | Jan 30, 2019 | Blogs | 0 comments