Is Engineering Data Collection important for your Organization? If I am right it’s extremely important to be able to view the process related Data in order to analyze and optimize any operation. Let me elaborate by explaining what is Engineering Data Collection or EDC and why this data should be an inseparable part of your MES system. EDC is basically the collection of all vital data related to your ops-procedure. Every product when manufactured requires complying with some predetermined quality standard, generally there is a tolerance level associated with the desired outcome which can be both positive and negative. Now there are many ways in which this data is collected presently from the equipment and then is compiled and used for analysis. The value of this EDC data is very high as it is pivotal in the appraisal of operational performance and efficiency. Having said that, many MES systems neglect the importance of this vital tool and this leads to improper implementation. Let me clarify the above statement- an MES system is supposed to be a powerful tool that not only automates the manufacturing process but also helps in Real-Time analysis and Decision Making. If the MES system fails to integrate EDC in its functionalities the MES in itself becomes ineffective. Presently this EDC is the ‘Missing Piece’ in MES systems world-wide. Our team at I2DS believes that EDC has to be integral part of our MES system to allow you to make better use our package. To do this we have mastered the art and science of Data collection and we can interface with any device to collect data. This means no matter what Database or Data analysis system you have we can collect Engineering Data from it and integrate it in our MES package for you. Also since we have this unique our MES package becomes the ultimate tool for you to perform functions like- planning day to day operations complex SPC applications. We know the importance of valuable engineering data for an Operations Manager and we provide this data in our MES solution, this makes the functionality provided by I2DS unparalleled in the industry today. So do you want to have an MES package that provides you seamless integration and functionality for your Operations? If Yes, then what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today it self, mail us at or just hit the Request Live Demo button on our Website.
Engineering Data Collection, the missing piece to a functional MES package.
by I2DS | Jul 27, 2020 | Blogs | 0 comments